Dark eldar super heavy

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Bloodstone - A Bloodstone is a rare and exotic weapon forged from the broken Soul Stone of an Eldar Exarch.Though Agonisers come in a variety of forms, the most common are whips or barbed flails.

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The following are the most common close combat weapons employed by the Dark Eldar: Weapons incorporating powerful shock fields have also been recovered by Imperial forces, and these devices utilise an energy generation and transference system as yet beyond the comprehension of human Tech-Adepts. They are built from very lightweight materials, with blades honed to a mon-molecular edge capable of cutting through even Ceramite armour plating when sufficient force is employed. Although varying widely in design and use, all employ a similar technology in their construction. The Dark Eldar employ a number of hand-held weapons designed to eviserate, lacerate and incise at close quarters.