Even if you can’t fit the Season Bank’s contents into your storages, you still receive them in full. Only loot that fits into your storages is saved in the Season Bank. If your storages are full of resources, no loot will be saved in the Season Bank. You fill the Season Bank by attacking and looting other players. If you tap “collect” and your Storages don’t have enough space, the remaining resources will stay on the Treasury they will not be lost. If your Treasury is full and you are rewarded with more resources, the overflow resources will be lost. The treasury capacity is based on your Town Hall and Clan level. Most of the lab boost comes from the books, actually, so the Gold Pass is much better for lab at high level. a research potion, and two books worth as much as 16 days, depending what TH level you are. With the Gold Pass, you can complete an extra 6.58 days of research, plus another 1.